Palm Beach Regatta (1929)
Regattas1929-02-21 to 1929-02-23
Held at the location of the Palm Beach Yacht Club, Palm Beach, FL. Regatta was a mixture of sail and power. The first event of the regatta, Feb. 21st, was the Ocean Sailing Race, sailed off Palm Beach. All other events were held at Lake Worth, Palm Beach. Some of the events listed in RUDDER, April, 1929 were: Outboard Free-For-All (held Feb. 21st), 151 Cubic Inch Class, Unlimited, the 151 Cubic Inch Class, Limited (2 heats, 5 miles each) for the Poinciana Trophy, Runabout Class, Class C Outboard, Class B Outboards and others.
Ref. info.: RUDDER, April 1929.