Trophy; silverplated, two-handled cup, engraved on same side: "H.Y.C./ ANNUAL REGATTA/ AUG. 12th 1911/ FIRST PRIZE/ WON BY/ CLIPHORA".
silverplated cup
TROPHIESRogers Bros.
August 12, 1911
8.00 x 0 x 0
Trophy; silverplated, two-handled cup. Body in shape of amphora. Wide heavy-looking handles flattened off at lip level. Plain flattened base. Shallow relief scene of sailing boats in bay completely encircles neck. Silver-gilt interior. Enameled flag of Huguenot Yacht Club soldered onto side. Engraved on same side: "H.Y.C./ ANNUAL REGATTA/ AUG. 12th 1911/ FIRST PRIZE/ WON BY/ CLIPHORA". Bottom marking: "MADE AND/ GUARANTEED BY/ MERIDEN COMPANY/ ***ROGERS BROS./ 9179/ MADE IN/ U.S. AMERICA".