Full Model of 3 masted whaling bark TWO BROTHERS
full model
MODELS - VESSELS - FULLmarad; models
Hammond, Edgar B.
USA, MA, New Bedford
wood; metal; textile
Overall: 63 x 87 x 37 1/2 in.
The Whaling Bark Two Brothers
We don't know if this model, made by architect Edgar B. Hammond of New Bedford, Massachusetts, represents the actual New Bedford bark Two Brothers of 1858. However, it does show very clearly how a whaleship was rigged to cut in a whale.
This model shows 5 whaleboats at davit heads; 2 spare whaleboats lashed to the top of the after deckhouse; the complete tryworks and equipment; cutting-in stage rigged over the starboard side admidships; vessel bottom is painted copper and her topsides are painted gray with black gunwales and 8 simulated gunports on each side.
Given in memory of Clarkson A. Collins, Jr.