U.S. Army Air Force WW II aircraft sextant, Type A-8A
bubble sextant; sextant case
INSTRUMENTS - SEXTANTSBausch & Lomb Optical Co.
USA, NY, Rochester
overall: 12 1/4 x 8 1/2 x 8 1/4 in.
Cased U.S. Army Air Force WW II vintage aircraft sextant, Type A-8A, Serial No. AF42-UX2239 listed on case, but sextant is actually Serial No. AF43-4284. Manufactured by Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, NY. Instrument is technically an octant w/artificial (bubble) horizon for aircraft use. Equipped with mechanical altitude averaging device (dial type) and reading light. Battery holder is attached by wire. Other gear: one spare lamp, one case key, one Allen wrench, one envelope of lense tissue and an instruction manual for another type of bubble octant.