MIRAGE, # LO5 and NIMBUS, #LO3, 1926
5x7 nitrate.
PHOTOGRAPHSRosenfeld and Sons
June 17, 1926
overall: 5 x 7 in.
5x7 nitrate negative photographed by Rosenfeld and Sons in 1926. Image of MIRAGE, #LO5 and NIMBUS, #LO3 with an overlap close hauled on starboard tack. View from leeward beam. CREDIT LINE: Mystic Seaport, Rosenfeld Collection. Typewritten neg sleeve info: "Larchmont O Class; Mirage & Nimbus, Larchmont O Class. NYYC (New York Yacht Club) Race." Original Box 1507.
Mystic Seaport, Rosenfeld Collection