Munnatawket Hotel, Fishers Island, N. Y.
USA, NY, Fishers Island
paper card
overall: 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 in.
Color photolithograph postcard; view of building with long porch, many dormers; in foreground is bridge with white fence rails; beach with white seawall to left; printed in lower left corner "4390"; printed above "Munnatawket Hotel, Fishers Island, N. Y."; handwritten message on reverse "Bear hug, Hazel/ and folk reached here/ on the noon boat/ She and the boys rode/ up with me & an[?] on/ way to meet the 4.30/ boat. Francis is coming/ back on that with goods/ cra[?] thing all right. Clyde"; addressed to "Mrs May Sweet/ Woodbridge/ Conn,/ RFD". Postmarked "FISHERS ISLAND NY/ JUN 30/ 7.30 AM".