"Le Vengeur"
sheet music
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS & SHEET MUSICLeduc, Alphonse; Trinocq, Charles; Guillet
France, Paris
9-3/4 x 12-3/4 in.
Sheet music, "Le Vengeur"; music by Alphonse Leduc; printed by Ch[arles] Trinocq, Paris, France; contains "l'Appareillage," "Une Fete en Mar," "Les Flibustiers," "l'Abordage," and "Le Combat Naval"; dedicated to Mr. Henri and Melle Eulalie Heugel; black and white cover lithograph by Guillet (Paris) of naval engavement; seller's rubberstamp on cover and first page of music "BRUNEAU/ 4 COULOMMIERS"; 4 pages; trimmed beyond margins; horizontal format.