Changing spinnaker tack fitting while it is set, 1972
color slide (35mm only)
PHOTOGRAPHS - 35 MM SLIDESRosenfeld, Stanley Z.
March, 1972
safety film, Kodachrome; cardboard mount
overall: 1 1/2 x 1 in.
35mm color slide photographed by Rosenfeld and Sons in March, 1972. Closeup image of a man working with a spinnaker tack fitting while it is drawing. View of the yellow spinnaker is from leeward forward Mount info.: Stamped "(black) 23 MAR 72N7. Manufacturer's info.: "Embossed; "MADE IN U.S.A. U.S. PAT. NO. 1,013,.354"; stamped " Kodachrome / TRANSPARENCY / PROCESSED BY Kodak". CREDIT LINE: Mystic Seaport, Rosenfeld Collection, Stanley Z. Rosenfeld photographer DUP 1
Mystic Seaport, Rosenfeld Collection, Stanely Z. Rosenfeld photographer