1931 dinner menu from the MORRO CASTLE


Cuba, Havana
overall: 8 7/8 x 7 in.

Dinner menu from the MORRO CASTLE for Saturday, December 26, 1931, the day after Christmas. The menu is lavish, with many choices of appetizers, soups, fish, entrees and vegetables, desert, fruit and cheese courses. Most of the entrees would be familiar to American passengers, but there are some interesting exceptions. The first entree listed is French Toast with Currant Jelly. In much of Latin America, fried bread treats like torrijos or rabanadas are popular at Christmastime. Another entree option is Macaroni a la Caruso, which is pasta with a creamy, meaty sauce. It comes from Uruguay and was named for the early 20th century Italian tenor Enrico Caruso; some sources say the dish was developed in the 1950s but clearly it was already popular long before that. The menu cover has a painting of the MORRO CASTLE with both the Ward Line and New York and Cuba Mail Steamship Company names, while the back has a painting of Cuba's Capitolio Nacional, which was completed just two years earlier in 1929.


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