Photograph of iceberg from Dr. Blackmarr album


Blackmarr, Frank H.
overall: 9 1/2 x 12 in.

Page from the album of Dr. Blackmarr, a passenger on the CARPATHIA who assisted in the rescue of TITANIC passengers and documented his experience in an album of photos and notes. This photograph, taken from the deck of CARPATHIA, shows a flat iceberg with, around it, four small specks that Dr. Blackmarr has labeled as "boats," by which he means the TITANIC's lifeboats. Compared to them, the iceberg is huge. Above the iceberg, Dr. Blackmarr has written, "appeared to have broken chunks of ice up on top-- note sharp edge-- [therefore]-- this was part cut off of mass at left end of glacier" [followed by some illegible words]. The "mass at left" is not visible, but he may be referring to the large ice sheet that he has recorded in other photographs and notes, and he may be comparing them to pieces calving off a glacier. Above the photo, on the album page, he has written "Not published."


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