black-and-white photograph
10" x 8"
KIALOA III crew; Part of the Kilroy-Kialoa Collection; black and white image of the KIALOA IIi crew, written on the back is "KIALOA III / 1975 TRANSATLANTIC" and printed on the back is "NOTICE. / THIS PICTURE IS THE PROPERTY OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, LTD / AND MAY BE USED ONLY FOR PURPOSES OF REPRODUCTION / WHEN AUTHORISED BY THE OWNER. It may not be used in such / manner as to violate the rights of any person firm or corporation. / IT MAY NOT BE USED FOR ADVERTISING or purposed of trade unless / written consent of each living person depicted or if a minor of his or her / parent or guardian shall be obtained; such consent to apply to the owner / and to the person licensed by the owner to use the pucture / if any use shall violate or shall be claimed to violate the rights of any / person firm or corporation the license agrees to indemnify the owner / against all liability including all responsable legal fees and expenses which / the owner may incur by reason thereof / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, LTD. / 83-86 FARRINGDON STREET, LONDON, E.C. 4"