safety negative
USA, MD, Annapolis
September 01, 1947
2.25 x 2.25 x 0
Safety negative; photographed by Carleton Mitchell; starboard bow view of ketch yacht GAUCHO laying alongside wharf at Annapolis, MD. on a stop along the way of a 27,500 mile voyage; voyage began July 28, 1946 and stopped in Annapolis; MD. Sept. 1, 1947; Carleton Mitchell identifies this series of photographs (1996.31.2276 - .2279) of the ketch yacht GAUCHO during summer visit 1997 as "GAUCHO - owned by the Bros. Uribbuto [sic]. first winner of the Cruising Club Blue Medal (around the world); handwritten on original envelope "2360" (corresponds to original Mitchell contact); ref: Carleton Mitchell.