silver print

Reuter, P.A.
May 09, 1958
8.00 x 10.00 x 0

Silver print; photographed by P.A. Reuter; deck view of 12 meter SCEPTRE showing people in large cockpit; under sail during racing trials off the Isle of Wight; May 9, 1958; rubberstamped on reverse "COPYRIGHT/ P.A. REUTER/ PHOTOS LTD: 85 Fleet Street London E.C.A./ FLEET STREET 7440"; paper label attached to revers has typewritten "HEAVY WEATHER FOR SCEPTRE'S CREW/ May 9th 1958 PAR 70713-2 (Wo-G)/ HEAVY WEATHER FOR SCEPTRE'S CREW/ The crew of the America's Cup challenger/ SCEPTRE meet heavy weathe/ during racing trials off the Isle of/ Wight to-day (Friday)./ Sceptre, built by a syndicate of/ Royal Yacht Squadron members, will be/ shipped across the Atlantic in/ July and compete for the Cup at/ Newport, Rhode Island, in September./ May 9th 1958 PAR 70713-2 (Wo-G). Ref: "Summer of the Twelves" by Carleton Mitchell; 1959.


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