"Stock Pen", circa 1903


Singer Sewing Machine Company
circa 1903
overall: 4-3/8 x 7-1/8 in.

Print; "Stock Pen", circa 1903; print from 2005.34.124 in the collection of Captain Richard C. Mears (1829-1899); copy of a photograph of cattle in a stock pen; printed on front "STOCK PEN); printed on back "LIVE STOCK INDUSTRY/ OF TEXAS/ TEXAS stands easily first in the production of live stock./ According to the Census of the Department of Agri-/ culture, July 1, 1905, Texas had: 1,277,785 horses/ total valuation of $45,308,760; mules, 391,038, total valua-/ tion of $230,803,473; milk cows; 838,431, valuation of $16,-/ 617,702; sheep, 1,117, 125, valuation of $3,556, 344; swine,/ 2,525,048, valuation of $11,817,225./ It will be seen from the above that Texas easily stands/ first in the production of cattle, and at the top of the list of/ other States in the production of horses, sheep and swine./ Texas also ranks first in the production of Angora goats, there being more registered angora goats in Texas than in/ any other state. The old time "Long Horn" is fast giving/ way to cattle of the improved breeds, such as the Short-/ Horn, Hereford, Polled Angus, Polled Durham and other/ breeds, until now there can be found on Texas farms and/ ranches, as good cattle as have been shown at the great live/ stock shows at Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and other/ points. Texas bred and Texas fed cattle have won many/ blue ribbons./ In the great corn-producing States of the Northwest, cattle/ breeders are securing their supply from Texas, because they/ find they breed better as a rule and take on fat more rapidly/ than cattle from any other section of the country./ It is a well-knowa [sic] fact that the climate of Texas is suited/ to the growing of horses because of mild winters and cheaply/ grown grain and forage crops./ As a dairy State, Texas is rapidly forging to the front and/ many creameries are being established in various parts of/ the State./ In the production of swine, the old time "Razor Back"/ is but little in evidence; the hogs of this kind are giving way/ to the improved breeds such as Poland Chinas, Berkshires,/ Chester Whites and other well known types./ The sheep and goat industry in Texas is rapidly being/ built up and established because of a considerable area of/ sheep land where these animals can be raised at very little/ expense. While Texas ranks first in the production of live/ stock, this industry is, you might say, still in its infancy,/ and the slogan of every Texas stockman and farmer is to/ better the live stock conditions./ Almost every Texas ranch has produced a sufficient/ quantity of forage products to carry all stock through our/ winters."


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