Telegram from TITANIC survivor Elizabeth Walton Allen


Allen, Elisabeth Walton
overall: 5 11/16 x 8 1/2 in.

A telegram sent by Marconi wireless from the CARPATHIA on April 18, 1912 by TITANIC survivor Elisabeth Walton Allen saying, "Don't worry all saved." She was an American by birth and was travelling home to collect her things before marrying in England. She was travelling with a cousin, an aunt, and the aunt's maid. The four women made it into a lifeboat and were all rescued. Elisabeth was the first TITANIC survivor to make it onto the CARPATHIA and as she reached the top of the ladder, she was asked "Where is the TITANIC?" The CARPATHIA crew did not yet know with certainty that the ship had completely sunk. This form includes, under "By whom sent" the initials of CARPATHIA wireless operator Harold Cottam, who played an important role in the CARPATHIA's dash to the rescue and afterwards in notifying the families of survivors. The telegram was sent to the Thomas Cook office in Piccadilly, London. The back of the form includes Marconi's terms and conditions as well as an advertisement for Selfridge's department store.


Related Subjects

Telegraph, Wireless--Marconi system
Shipwreck survivors
Wireless communication systems