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"U.S. President, Military Chiefs Conver Aboard Warship at Malta [February 14, 1945]"


MALTA, Malta
February 02, 1945
4.75 x 6.50 x 0

Black and white photograph; President Franklin D. Roosevelt and 3 U.S. military Chiefs of Staff confer aboard unidentified warship; typewritten press release [in correspondence file] reads "2/14/45 U.S. PRESIDENT, MILITARY CHIEFS CONFER ABOARD WARSHIP AT MALTA/ President Franklin D. Roosevelt and U.S. military Chiefs of Staff/ confer aboard a U.S. warship in the harbor of the Island of Malta/ on Feb. 2, 1945, while en route to the historic Crimea Conference./ President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Great/ britain and the American and British military staffs exchanged views/ at Malta before proceeding to Yalta in the Crimea, where they met/ for eight days with Marshal Josef Stalin and the Russian military/ chiefs. Detailed military plans to seal the doom of Germany by/ fighting one coordinated battle with unprecedented blows from the/ [Continued in comments section] ...blows from the/ east, west, north and south were completed at the Crimea Conference./ Left to right are: U.S. Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, Chief of/ Staff to the President; Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King, Commander in/ Chief of the U.S.Fleet and Chief of Naval Operations; President/ Roosevelt, and General of the Army George C. Marshall, Chief of/ Staff of the U.S. Army./ SERVICED BY NEW YORK TO LIST A/ APPROVED BY APPROPRIATE U.S. AUTHORITY/ 38095-FA"

UNIDENTIFIED naval vessel

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World War, 1939-1945